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Ways to Support Us

We're a vibrant community band that brings together music lovers from all walks of life. As a non-profit volunteer group we endeavour to enrich our local culture through the power of music, but we can't do it alone!

As a non-profit volunteer group, we rely on concert performance fees, personal donations, and community support to help us with the expenses of running the band.Your support is crucial to keeping the rhythm alive.


Our members come from all walks of life; from high school and university students, to business, career, and working people and even active seniors. Anyone who is beyond the beginner level on an instrument (able to play a few basic scales) is welcome to join the Lincoln Concert Band

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We love to perform, but to do so we need an audience. Please come to our next concert and support us. Bring your family. Bring your friends. We can’t wait to see you there! Our concerts are an affordable family opportunity to hear some great music from members of our community.


If you’ve been to our concerts and enjoyed yourself, please let others know about us!

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We are grateful for any donations of support. By sponsoring the Lincoln Concert Band, your donations will help us to buy new music, host a concert, and pay for our concert expenses.


We now are accepting donations through Canada Helps, a not for profit that helps Canadian Charities to find new funders and support.


Corporate and individual concert sponsors receive a range of benefits in recognition of cash or in-kind contributions. Please contact us for more information. Contact us with your inquiries at:

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Thank you for your support in making beautiful melodies resonate across our community.
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